and when you need a break...?

It's a scorchingly hot summer across the United States. I can't speak for anyone else but hot summer days make me slightly lackadaisical. The heat just seeps into your bones and slows your brain. Up until this past week I have been fervently reading and scheduling reviews for posts to come starting August up until October.

And then my brain kind of had enough. I burned myself out.

So currently I'm on a novel-reading hiatus. There are two great things about this, for me:

  • When I next pick up a novel I will be excited again for the calming structure of literary fiction, for a story that I can more or less read from start to end, reading love for the writing or character or place between every line. It will be marvelous.
  • I get to branch out into other things that I love but have been neglecting because sometimes I feel that I have to read only YA to keep up with everything, including my very large TBR pile. Currently I'm reading heaps of Marvel graphic novels and it's truly refreshing to read a different type of story, but a story nonetheless. I can get lost in the artwork of words and pictures. I used to read graphic novels quite a lot, but life interfered, and I'm honestly happy to be doing so again. (I'm just about finished with The Invincible Iron Man Omnibus, Vol. 1 and I'm falling in love with Tony Stark, my favorite Marvel character, all over again. What Matt Fraction does with this character [so far] is amazing, though my heart is shattering continuously.)
What do you guys do when you need a break? Blogging, reading - there's always a lot of pressure, even if most of it is self-imposed. I'd love to know what else you read when you take a bit of a hiatus from YA.

Never fear, friends, I haven't stopped completely. I had also found myself stuck in my WIP and I love to immerse myself in different story types to craft a personality, so that's part of what I'm doing. 

Keep cool, everyone. Ice cubes and tall glasses of water are your friend.

6 comments on "and when you need a break...?"

Jac (Two Moms Reading) wrote: Thu Jul 19, 06:36:00 AM

Two months ago I went through 2 weeks where I didn't read a word (well, except for the newspaper...) and it was a great refreshing period.

I focused on other hobbies, I picked up my camera and started hiking. I started writing again. And then? When I started reading again? I was excited.

-Jac @ For Love and Books

Unknown wrote: Thu Jul 19, 10:27:00 AM

Honestly, if I take a hiatus, it's usually forced (visiting relatives, restless kids), but I'm always grateful for the time away. You are SO right in that it will allow you to enjoy reading again...graphic novels are fantastic for stocking up the imagination!
Happy Writing!

We Heart YA wrote: Thu Jul 19, 01:07:00 PM

Ugh, yes, seriously hot. We no likey.

But breaks are healthy and happy and normal. We take them sometimes too. (Both Steph and Sarah have taken blogging hiatuses, and Kristan toned down her schedule about a year ago so she could still enjoy it without feeling too much pressure.) As for reading, well, usually it IS our break from all the other stuff we have to do in life. (A perk of not being a review blog, perhaps.)

Alexa S. wrote: Thu Jul 19, 05:16:00 PM

I think taking a break every now and then is healthy. Sometimes, when I feel like I need one, I just simply stop reading anything at all and do other things - catch up on my favorite shows, go out to eat, search about travel and weddings - and let that distract me until I miss reading again.

jonyangorg wrote: Mon Jul 30, 06:01:00 AM

I need to get on that Iron Man!

jonyangorg wrote: Mon Jul 30, 06:02:00 AM

Oh right, I meant to link this:

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I am presently on hiatus into the foreseeable future. You can find me on twitter, tumblr, or my writing website,

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