top ten tuesdays! (12)

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. If you love lists
and wracking your brain for answers, then this is the meme for you!

Top Ten Books I Had VERY Strong Emotions About (cry, laugh, hurl across the room, etc.)
01. Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead: I created a love-and-hate shelf for this book on Goodreads after finishing this one. You probably have an idea as to why if you've read it. I reread the scene yesterday and it was slightly less painful. That's how you know you love the characters.
02. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling: I'll be honest in admitting that I did throw this one. Not very far, but it did have a little journey. I suppose I should have seen it coming, with what the mirrors and all, but I was taken completely by surprise. 
03. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: It wasn't just the ending with this one that got me. I study and plan to work in human rights, and so the entire concept of this book gripped me from the very first moment my mind grasped what was happening. Everything about it was wrong, but I couldn't stop reading. 
04. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld: While the way the story was told didn't really work for me, the premise of this book is fairly incredible (not in the literal sense). That people have to fix themselves to fit in and only then can they have fun is completely absurd, but, really, in comparison with some ideas in reality - is it? 
05. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling: The ending of this book was not necessarily vindication, but almost a sense of affirmation. I don't love as many characters as much as I love Snape, so here I cried more than I did over OotP.
06. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi: My emotions for this book were 100% for the writing. If not for her words this book would not have made the impact - for me - that it did. I found myself taking pictures of quotes with my phone so that I could roll them over and over in my head. Keep an eye out for a review this week. This book was perfection in the form of words and phrases.
07. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes: I first read this for school and it broke my heart in an entirely new way. I struggled with the idea of experiencing something new and living, only for it to be snatched away. This is not an easy book, but it's a necessary book.
08. Wither by Lauren DeStefano: I didn't love this book as much as I thought I would, and I think that's partially because I empathized too much with Rhine. I was angry over what was happening to the girls and the general sense within society that this was okay. Not to mention what happened with Cecily and Jenna (and her sisters). It's hard to not feel something either way over it.
09. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins: I laughed and smiled and all sorts of verbed along with this book. That's the beauty of Stephanie's writing - she can make you feeling practically anything while reading, and the best part of it is that it's completely genuine. 
10. Unwind by Neal Shusterman: I didn't physically cry over this book, but everything else in me was protesting the entire concept of it. I didn't know what to expect and literally stared at a particular passage of it probably for about 10 minutes before I could figure out what to do from there. If it were feasibly possible I would give a copy of this to everyone I knew. And those I didn't.

10 comments on "top ten tuesdays! (12)"

We Heart YA wrote: Tue Nov 01, 12:12:00 PM

Great list! We have read a couple of these, but there are so many -- Wither, Unwind, Shatter Me -- that we really need to get our hands on.

Anonymous wrote: Tue Nov 01, 12:18:00 PM

Flowers for Algernon! It truly is a haunting story. I still remember the feelings I had reading it after all these MANY years! Great list!

Cait wrote: Tue Nov 01, 12:39:00 PM

Great list, I was devastated when I read OotP. I also cried hysterically at the end of HBP. And yeah, Shadow Kiss, I was totally heartbroken when I read that.

The Cait Files

We Need Reads wrote: Tue Nov 01, 12:51:00 PM

such a great list. i wanted to put OoTP on mine too--but then I would have just cried and cried some more. whew.

i've got to read lola!

come check ours out! TOP 10

Stephsco wrote: Tue Nov 01, 01:11:00 PM

I always hear great things about Stephanie Perkins' books. I'm really into YA contemporary right now.

Jenny wrote: Tue Nov 01, 01:17:00 PM

K, I really need to read Unwind. I can't wait for Shatter Me.

Katie wrote: Tue Nov 01, 01:44:00 PM

Great list. I almost included Unwind. It's a really powerful book, and I agree that I want everyone to read it. I probably would have reacted the same way you did to HP and the OOTP, but a kid at the summer camp I worked in spoiled it for me before I got to read it, so I ended up wanting to throw her across the room instead!

Here's my list.

Unknown wrote: Tue Nov 01, 06:26:00 PM

Great picks, I haven't read all of them, but some are also on my list.

MamaMunky wrote: Tue Nov 01, 09:52:00 PM

I had the exact same reaction to HP and the ORder of the Phoenix. GD mirrors.

Lindsey @

-k wrote: Wed Nov 02, 12:45:00 AM

Lola = LOVE!! Plus, there's Cricket! Total swoon book that I wanted to re-read as soon as I was finished.
Great list!

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