
top ten tuesdays! (17)

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. If you love lists
and wracking your brain for answers, then this is the meme for you!

Top Ten Book Romances That You Think Would Make It In The Real World

01. Anna and Étienne (Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)
Is this cheating? I mean, they live in contemporary society. And they're adorable.
02. Puck and Sean (The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater)
Though this is also contemporary, an experience like theirs can make our break you. It worked for them.
03. Aria and Perry (Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi)
I'm pretty sure there are a few parallel situations you could put these two in in the real world. Hot and cold, these two, but lasting.
04. Anna and Bennett (Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone)
Also a contemp, but with a unique situation. Still, the way Tamara wrote them made their friendship and intrigue work so well that it would stay true just about anywhere.
05. Kate and Vincent (Die For Me by Amy Plum)
Despite the paranormal themes, I just love these two together, and one of my favorite aspects of the book is getting to read them in normal, everyday situations such as going to a café. Their chemistry leads me to believe that they'd do well without their crazy backstory.
06. Augustus and Hazel (The Fault in Our Stars by John Green)
No commentary necessary.
07. Brontë and Brewster (Bruiser by Neal Shusterman)
I don't know how Neal does it, but every single book that I've read has wrenched my heart. There's so much happening in this book on so many levels, but there was a lovely moment between both of them that made me smile big. I believed it.
08. Blue and ? (The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater)
I...can't tell you. But I loved it. A lot. Why, yes, there are two entries by Maggie on this list. Because I love her heaps and it's my blog and I'll Maggie if I want to.

I'm going to stop at eight rather than name names for listings' sake. To make it is something difficult and long and though there are a lot of YA love stories that I've enjoyed, I'm not sure how many of them could exist out of their situation.

Who's on your list?

5 comments on "top ten tuesdays! (17)"

We Heart YA wrote: Tue Aug 14, 10:29:00 AM

Ooo, what a fun meme! We totally agree with you about Puck and Sean, Anna and Etienne, and Augustus and Hazel. We'd like to add Briony and Eldric (CHIME), Elissa and H (Girl of Fire and Thorns series – we won't use his full name so as not to give things away), Jane and Rochester (JANE EYRE) and Anne and Gilbert (Anne of Green Gables series).

Krystianna wrote: Tue Aug 14, 05:36:00 PM

Awesome picks! I can't wait to read Time Between Us as well as The Scorpio Races. Thanks for sharing. :)

Read.Breathe.Relax. wrote: Tue Aug 14, 09:25:00 PM

You're the first person I've seen with Aria and Perry too! I loved them!! Also, I totally agree about Puck and Sean. Great choices!

Alexa S. wrote: Thu Aug 16, 12:35:00 PM

KATE & VINCENT! OMG, I can't believe it's only the first time I've seen them on anyone's list this Tuesday. LOVE THEM.

Jenny wrote: Thu Aug 16, 04:50:00 PM

There's something about Maggie's writing that makes me feel like the romances would last forever too!

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