follow friday (19)

This week's question courtesy of Parajunkee (and Alison's!) Follow Friday is:
Q: It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?
I'm going to go ahead and place the sugary caveat that there will not be any terribly unpleasant sides to the places I choose. For instance, I would love love love to visit Hogwarts and Gringotts, but I could really do without Voldemort and Bellatrix (although she is fierce, but in a way I wouldn't want to mess with). I absolutely love schools, so you could happily toss in a visit to St.Vladimir's to see all of the training that goes on there, too. And, erm, Dimitri. Rose would just probably kick my butt.
A visit to Le Cirque des RĂªves would probably be at the top of my list at the present. I could probably spend a year in there visiting the ice maze and hopping clouds and still not experience everything that I'd like to. The description inherent in that book (The Night Circus) is astounding and would make for an incredible reality.
I'd also like to check out the Dauntless compound as it was before the end of Divergent. I have a feeling that when things weren't insanely cut-throat there that it was probably quite fascinating. I might have a problem entering the building, though, as I'm afraid of heights.
And because I like this question and want to write more but am sleepy, here's a list:

  • Daughter of Smoke and Bone: Although Prague is quite real, the way Karou experiences it is wholly unique. 
  • The Pledge: Still sugary caveating here, I'm really curious to see what it's like to be in a society where everything is limited by language. It's such a crazily fascinating idea.
  • White Cat/Red Glove: This incredibly constructed world is so interesting to me. I wouldn't like having to wear gloves all of the time, but I'd probably like to see how the world would work given the circumstances.

And I want to say that I apologise for not being around as much as I'd like. I have for each class 40-80 pages of reading to do each day, plus writing assignments (yay for upper level writing intensive courses!) that don't leave me with a lot of free time. I have a backlog of reviews that I'm going to try my hardest catch up with. I hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all!

6 comments on "follow friday (19)"

Anna @ Literary Exploration wrote: Fri Sep 16, 01:26:00 AM

I'd love to live in the world of Divergent! It would be awesome to be Dauntless! Or even Erudite, because I love learning :) Great choices!
New follower!

My Follow Friday

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict wrote: Fri Sep 16, 08:37:00 AM

I don't miss all that mandatory homework in school. I hope you're enjoying it as much as possible.

I loved your answer, so many of those books would be great to visit. The Dauntless compound would be amazing to visit. Hogwarts would be my dream.

We Heart YA wrote: Fri Sep 16, 09:01:00 AM

Pssh, no apologizing for real life. Real life > blog life. And we'll always <3 you. ;)

Love your answers to the question! Isn't it interesting how even book worlds come with good AND bad. Just goes to show that while the grass may seem greener on the other side, really the best way to be happy to is to appreciate where you are.

(We know that isn't the point of the question, but it got us thinking!)

Jenny wrote: Fri Sep 16, 01:25:00 PM

I've been wondering why you've been so quiet. Good luck your classes. I really need to read The Night Circus. Sigh!

Alison Can Read wrote: Fri Sep 16, 02:46:00 PM

Hopping through. White Cat/Red Glove is a great choice! I'd love to meet Cassel.
My Hop

Donna wrote: Sat Sep 17, 09:19:00 AM

My choice is Fablehaven. The sanctuary for magical creatures (both good and evil) from the series by Brandon Mull.

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