you've entered the book zone (do do do do)

This question comes on the heels of my starting Julie Kagawa's The Iron King last night. As I started it I knew about 40 or so pages in that it was something I would have to go out the next day and get the sequels to as I had again fallen into the book zone. The book zone, for me, is when I start a book series, decide while reading the first book that I love it, and have to have the subsequent books ready to go immediately after the first is finished.

I see this as a good and a bad thing. Good because there is no break in the story and I can immediately jump into what comes next without having to wait a year for it to be released. Bad in that I just can't stop reading and then when I'm done, I'm done.

Thank you again, library, for having all three available for my literary consumption. I'll try and take a break (gasp! horror!) in between so that I can review each book in their own right without mixing storylines.

Does anyone else fall into the book zone? When do you know in the first book that you just have to keep going?

2 comments on "you've entered the book zone (do do do do)"

We Heart YA wrote: Wed Apr 27, 11:58:00 AM

Oh, we DEFINITELY fall into the Book Zone. Lol I love that term for it too!

The last couple books that did that to me were ENTWINED by Heather Dixon (so lovely!) and JANE EYRE (classic for a reason).

kaye (paper reader) wrote: Wed Apr 27, 03:05:00 PM

It's nice to know it's a common thing! There's just something commanding about a good story. :)

Oooh, and ENTWINED is on my list. I thought the cover art was gorgeous and that just did it in for me!

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