
be back soon!

Hi, folks! Just writing to say that I'm definitely still here, but that school has been intense and I've had very little time in between school and work to be as participatory as I would have liked. I do have some reviews scheduled - one for Beth Revis' A Million Suns will be coming up later this week, and one for Truth by Julia Karr will be posted later this month.

My finals end on Monday, so after that I will be a reading maniac and I am so thrilled about it. (I've been seriously eyeing Marie Lu's Legend at Posman's as I promised myself it will be my after-finals read; it's been soooo hard to not start it early! Dystopian? Yes, please!) There are a ton of review books that I have for this month and January, another giveaway will be coming sometime soon, and return of all the fun memes I participate in.

I've missed you guys and blogging something fierce. It's a lot of work - hard work - but I love it and you.

Thanks for being amazing and for helping me make this a place I can't wait to get back to. For all of my fellow students - good luck on your exams. To everyone else, keep being awesome! :)

3 comments on "be back soon!"

We Heart YA wrote: Thu Dec 15, 10:42:00 PM

Aww, we miss you too! Good luck with everything. We look forward to your return. ;)

Jenny wrote: Fri Dec 16, 01:49:00 PM

I've missed you out here in the blogosphere. I hope you enjoy your Christmas break and get lot's of reading done. ;)

kaye (paper reader) wrote: Thu Dec 22, 12:57:00 AM

I have to say to you both/all that I've missed you guys heaps! <3 I will read and write the break away. And I'm trying to catch up with posts, so don't mind me wandering about and commenting. :)

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I am presently on hiatus into the foreseeable future. You can find me on twitter, tumblr, or my writing website,

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