
2011 in books : first half

I've been meaning to do a post like this, but the questions are nabbed from inkcrush. I know I overlapped some books but they're completely justified.

one. favorite book read so far in 2011
This is my favorite fictional work. My favorite overall book of the year is Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

two. most powerful book
This book is something everyone should read. Full stop.

three. the most brilliantly funny
I have to say, I haven't read many books that year that made me laugh on a consistent basis. Spellbound, however, just had some great points here and there where things were so perfectly phrased that I found myself laughing aloud.

four. best ache-y, heart-breaking, tear-jerker read
 This series kills my heart and makes it smile all at once. I loved the majority of this book, but there was one part after which I thought I might stop reading the series, but, I continued. Eventually.

five. most beautiful story

six. fave rainy day comfort read

seven. best tense, adrenaline-fueled, unputdownable award

eight. the beautiful prose award

nine. most atmospheric and vivid setting

ten. i-so-want-to-go-there award
This is difficult. I'd love to go to the Dauntless enclave, but I'd also like to visit the beaches of California like in Moonglass. Can I cheat? I want to go to them all.

eleven. most original and imaginative

If I could, I would also give this one 'completely amazing premise', but I'm going to try and branch out for another one. Suffice to say, I really loved this book. I need a hard copy.

twelve. best under-appreciated, hidden gem book

thirteen. i-had-no-idea-i-would-love this-so award
I had only read the Wicked Lovely series before this which didn't do too much for me, so I took a risk and it paid off big time. I love this series.

fourteen. most haunting story

fifteen. outside of my comfort zone but gosh how i loved it
Okay, so I have to say that I am not a fan of Twilight and have since been a bit wary of books having to do with vampires. But I read the entire series last weekend after starting this book and I loved it (although I have a love/hate relationship with it) and wish there were more, especially from Dimitri's perspective.

sixteen. series that i'm loving
A Song of Ice and Fire (the Game of Thrones book series) and the Divergent series really are top for me, but to be different, I'm rather looking forward to Crossed, too.

seventeen. most memorable voice award
I loved Saba and her diction and the flow of the prose. It worked so well for me and as a result I fell deeply into the book while reading.

eighteen. completely awesome premise award
As a note: although I really enjoyed the premise of this book, the execution of the story in some parts really didn't work for me. 

nineteen. would make the best movie
Gladiator + the book version of The Road = Blood Red Road.

twenty. want to re-read already

 I do. I still haven't reviewed it. I think I'll reread it later in the year and then put up a review. But I love, love, love this book.

7 comments on "2011 in books : first half"

Jennifer A wrote: Sun Jun 26, 03:47:00 AM

Yes! Man, the Vampire Academy series had some gut wrenching parts! So awesome. I didn't even like the first book that much, but I'm glad I read on, because now it's one of my favorites!

I really need to read the Iron King! I've been meaning to, but haven't bought it yet.

Christina Reads YA wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:30:00 AM

Divergent, Shadow Kiss/Vampire Academy, the Iron King, Across the Universe, and Matched are all so wonderful! You have a great list here :). I already have reread Divergent ;p and I would also LOVE it if Richelle Mead wrote something from Dimitri's perspective. The interactions between him and Rose are amazing! Love them so much. Have you read the whole VA series or just those three so far?

TG wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:51:00 AM

I can't believe you read the entire VA series in a weekend! That's some addiction. I've really enjoyed the VA books I've read so far; on the 3rd one right now.

Natalie wrote: Sun Jun 26, 01:16:00 PM

I've been meaning to do a post like this too! Totally agree with Divergent being my favourite book read so far this year! I'll have to do a similar post sometime before the end of the month :)

Jenny wrote: Sun Jun 26, 03:33:00 PM

Alright maybe I'll give into the Vampire Academy books. I want to read Blood Red Road soon, and Divergent, and Across the Galaxy and The Iron Fey series. Sigh! So, so so many books!

Nomes wrote: Mon Jun 27, 07:53:00 AM

haha, i overlapped books too (i couldn't help it :)


and i feel like i should read UNWIND. i have heard it is completely shattering-ly amazing ;)

loved reading your answers, thanks for joining in ... :D

Small Review wrote: Sun Jul 03, 01:13:00 PM

I felt the same way about The Iron Fey! I had also read the Wicked Lovely series (well, the first book) and it left a bad taste. I loved the Iron Fey series though!

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