
follow friday (5)

I usually hold off and post this on a Friday, but I have to be at work early tomorrow and I'll be there late and so there's no time like the present. Right? Let's go with that.

This week's question courtesy of Parajunkee's Follow Friday is:

Q: The magic book fairy pops out of your cereal box and says "you and your favorite character (from a book of course) can switch places!" Who are you going to switch with?

I had to think about this for awhile. For the time being I think I would choose Cinna (from The Hunger Games) although I don't have a specific moment in the books in which I would want to swap places. Maybe when he tells Katniss, "Remember, girl on fire, I'm still betting on you." Cinna is my favorite character from the series - he was always a breath of fresh air in the middle of a story where you either wanted to cry or tear your hair out in frustration at how horrible things were going for everyone. Every time Cinna had a moment it was calming, honest, and there was never a time where I doubted him or did not think of him as anything other than Katniss' best confidante. Although, I might want to switch with Katniss so I could talk to Cinna myself!

And when I come home after Cinna goes back to design a fabulous dress for Katniss I would find a entirely new and completely fierce wardrobe in the likes of Alexander McQueen. How could a girl say no to that?

22 comments on "follow friday (5)"

Anonymous wrote: Thu Jun 09, 11:47:00 PM

I agree with what you said about Cinna. He was such a genuine character. Excellent choice.

grace wrote: Thu Jun 09, 11:57:00 PM

I totally agree with you about Cinna. He was one of my favorite characters from The Hunger Games.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back.

Tee wrote: Fri Jun 10, 12:45:00 AM

Hi! New follower! I am in the process of reading Hunger Games for the first time..well kinda..I mean I read it along with about 5 other books LOL..Looking forward to finally getting thru the series!

Jules wrote: Fri Jun 10, 02:12:00 AM

Great answer!

I'm an old follower! :D


Anonymous wrote: Fri Jun 10, 02:48:00 AM

Great answer! Finnick was my favourite character in the Hunger Games.
View my FF at www.thepaperbackheart.blogspot.com

Felicia wrote: Fri Jun 10, 02:58:00 AM

I can't see your GRC button now, but I'll come back later to check!(: I liked Cinna and I think he played a HUGE but understated role in The Hunger Games. But personally my fav character is Katniss, she's so kickass ^^

Check out my Follow Friday post :D

Felicia @ A Novel Paradise

Obsession with Books wrote: Fri Jun 10, 04:59:00 AM

Hi & Happy Friday!

I loved the Hunger Games, a nice choice.

My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

Have a great weekend.

Kyanara_BJD wrote: Fri Jun 10, 05:44:00 AM


Hopping by for the follow friday.

I do not know the book./character you name. Gonna check it out.

Wishing you a wonderfull weekend!

Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic

barmybex wrote: Fri Jun 10, 06:24:00 AM

Good choice, I thought about swapping with someone from the Hunger Games, but there are just too many deaths for it to be a good experience. :P

Found you through the hop, have a great weekend. :D

Christy @ TheReaderBee wrote: Fri Jun 10, 01:42:00 PM

Ah, great pick! I really love Cinna too, he's such a wonderful character!

Loren Chase wrote: Fri Jun 10, 03:42:00 PM

That is such a great answer! I just started The Hunger Games (I know, facepalm!) But I'm LOVING it so far. And what you said about Tris, I'd have to agree with you, I'd rather be her BEFORE all the chaos went down. I don't know how I'd handle all of that! ;)


Anonymous wrote: Fri Jun 10, 04:40:00 PM

Great choice! New follower!

Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review

caffeinejunkie wrote: Fri Jun 10, 05:45:00 PM

Hi! I'm a new follower hopping along.:) I'm listening to Hunger Games now.

Jessica L. Tate wrote: Fri Jun 10, 07:11:00 PM

Hello! New follower ^_^ Here's my Follow Friday.

Alison Can Read wrote: Fri Jun 10, 09:06:00 PM

Hopping through. It'd be great to be Cinna...except for his end. I love the fashion part of Hunger Games.
My Hop

Ninja Girl wrote: Fri Jun 10, 11:13:00 PM

Wow, great answer!
I really need to get reading these books. Everyone thinks they're fantastic! My goal is to read them (or at least the first before the movie comes out).
Have a great weekend,
Ninja Girl

Felicia wrote: Sat Jun 11, 04:51:00 AM

Woohoo, GFC's up again. New follower!:D

Unknown wrote: Sat Jun 11, 05:26:00 PM

Characters from the Hunger Games seems to be popular picks as answers to this week's question. There must be a reason; I need to look into the series! My pick would be Elena from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. Not only is she the only female werewolf but she's also married to Clay. Yum! I'm your newest follower, happy weekend!

Carmel @ Rabid Reads (Twitter)
Join the Midnight Summer Festival.

kaye (paper reader) wrote: Sat Jun 11, 08:57:00 PM

@The Fable Fairy: Genuine is such a good word for Cinna. I would use it to sum him up.

@Grace: I'm glad I'm not alone with the Cinna love. :)

@Tee: Oh, this is definitely a series you want to read by itself and then book by book. I had a hard time thinking about anything else when I was reading them. They are fabulous and I'll check back to see what you think!

@Jules: Thanks! It was a hard choice - how do you narrow down your favorite characters?!

@The Paperback Heart: Finnick! Oh, I love Finn, too. Fabulous choice on your part!

@Felicia: Blogger has been a bit tricky lately, that's for sure. And I agree so much with you about Cinna. There were times (a lot of them, actually) when I wanted to know more about Cinna but I think having too much information about him would have spoiled his character, if that makes sense? And Katniss is pretty darn amazing - I wouldn't pick a fight with her.

@Sharon: I'll be popping in to check out your character in a moment!

@Kyanara: Oh, boy, you have excitement ahead for you if you've yet to discover The Hunger Games! I wish I could read it again for the first time!

@barmybex: That's true. It would be traumatic, that's for sure. I didn't think that far. ;)

kaye (paper reader) wrote: Sat Jun 11, 09:04:00 PM

@Christy: (I almost did @Cinna. Yep.) Isn't he wonderful? I love the quiet ones.

@Loren: No, I think it's great that you're just starting them! Mainly because I'm envious of people who get to read them for the first time and experience everything. I'm super excited to see what you think about them! And, boy, Tris. Maybe on one of her late night walks with Four? Gosh, I think I need to reread this book already.

@Somer: Thanks! Welcome! And I'll hop over in a few! :)

@caffeinejunkie: I never thought of listening to it, but I think I'm going to check it out because I'm curious to see how it compares. Welcome!

@Jessica: Hello! Oh, I love these questions and getting to meet so many people. I'll stop by!

@Alison: I cried for a bit when I realised what happened. I was in denial for awhile until I read Mockingjay. His fashion will live forever. :)

@Ninja Girl: Ooh, then you have awhile to get through the first one, anyhow. I'll have to keep this in mind because I love reading people's reactions on them when they read them for the first time.

@Felicia: Yay! I am, too! (I love your blog!)

@Carmel: I'm sort of in love with those books and I had a hard time picking someone different from a lot of answers that I saw and Cinna immediately came in. I hope you enjoy the books, though, as they are really amazing.

And I've only read Kelley Armstrong's The Gathering, but I'm curious about her other books although I've never read a book about werewolves (unless you count Twilight.)

bookbitereviews wrote: Sat Jun 11, 10:38:00 PM

Just hopping by, new follower.

I havent read the hunger games yet. I heard they were really good, but i heard that they are the type of books where the bad guy wins and i dont know if i wanna read that lol sounds depressing.

Follow back =D


felicia wrote: Sat Jun 11, 10:43:00 PM

Your comment on Cinna does make sense! If too much info is given on him, I think it would take away some of the mystery around him and we don't get to imagine much:/

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