
follow friday (6)

This week's question courtesy of Parajunkee's Follow Friday is:

Q: Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?

Whew - an easy question! I can handle this as one question happens to answer the other. My favorite book is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, which, of course, falls under the dystopian genre. From the very first time we covered this book in school it was love at first read. It was the best possible introduction to dystopia for me and is a regular re-read. (I also love his other less known - but still brilliant - novel, Island.) Social issues are important to me and the way that this genre is able to tackle them weave a story around their flaws in a way that gets people curious and eager to read will never cease to be a good thing. The resurgence of dystopian popularity really makes my heart happy and is why you'll see me reading a lot of books in the genre. 

I'm also going to toss in a mention of Ray Bradbury's short story take on the original poem There Will Come Soft Rains; when we first read this in English I would go back and read it over and over again when the rest of the class was reading other stories aloud. (Don't worry, I always caught up.) If you haven't read it, it's an insanely quick read but for me it's unforgettable. You can read it here.

What's your favorite dystopian book? And I'm really looking forward to reading the answers to this question!

19 comments on "follow friday (6)"

thefictionalbookshelf wrote: Thu Jun 16, 11:58:00 PM

Stopping by to say hi. I'm a new follower. My favorite genre is Paranormal Romance but I've recently started YA romance and that's quickly becomming one of my favorites.


Alison Can Read wrote: Fri Jun 17, 12:27:00 AM

Hopping through. I am not a big dystopia fan, but there are books in the genre that I like.

My Hop

Anonymous wrote: Fri Jun 17, 12:30:00 AM

Hopping from the blog hop.

I read your about me because I loved the fact that you love the touch and smell of an actual book (like new car smell? LOL) Me too! You created this blog design by yourself? That's even more awesome.

New follower. Oh, and since you asked. Favorite Dystopian book is Delirium. Freaking. Loved. IT! (I have a thing for lyrical writing)

~Trish My Follow Friday Post

Obsession with Books wrote: Fri Jun 17, 01:00:00 AM

Hi & Happy Friday!

A great choice! I chose Urban Fantasy :)

My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

Have a nice weekend.

Marla wrote: Fri Jun 17, 01:09:00 AM

Old follower here. Excellent choice. Dystopian is high up there on my list-o-genres that I read frequently. Have a great weekend!

Shelagh wrote: Fri Jun 17, 04:14:00 AM

Hi Kaye. Hopping through on FF. I've only just discovered dystopias and I've liked what I've read so far. I chose Urban Fantasy.

Have a great weekend!

Shelagh (New Follower)
The Word Fiend

Nikki wrote: Fri Jun 17, 04:36:00 AM

My fav dystopian is Hunger Games. I compare all other to it! ;)

New follower! Happy reading, friend!

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

Kyanara_BJD wrote: Fri Jun 17, 04:49:00 AM


stopping by for the follow friday!

have a wonderfull weekend
Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic

Anonymous wrote: Fri Jun 17, 06:50:00 AM

I'm a dystopian fan to! :)

My favourite has to be Patrick Ness Chaos Walking series. I've never read anything that tops it (yet!)

Christy @ TheReaderBee wrote: Fri Jun 17, 09:09:00 AM

I love Dystopian! My favorite book would be The Hunger Games, of course! :) I really need to read more Dystopian... starting with Divergent! I can't believe I have the book, but haven't started it yet. :)

Happy Hopping!

Getting Your Read On wrote: Fri Jun 17, 10:14:00 AM

I love dystopian too. Hunger Games, Divergent are a couple of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Happy Friday!


Jenny wrote: Fri Jun 17, 01:41:00 PM

I don't think I have a FAVORITE dystopian book. That's just too tough a question. I do really like the movie The Book of Eli. That's one of my favorite dystopian movies. Does that count???

TG wrote: Fri Jun 17, 03:22:00 PM

I love Brave New World. After I read that and 1984, I was completely sold on dystopian fiction.

New follower, BTW. Hi!

Emily wrote: Fri Jun 17, 04:24:00 PM

Hopping through! I love dystopia too. I don't think I could pick a favorite dystopia book but I really loved The Giver and its sequels.

Unknown wrote: Fri Jun 17, 07:59:00 PM

I've not read Mr. Huxley. I feel like such a bad English major...

Kristen wrote: Fri Jun 17, 10:37:00 PM

Hi, new follower here! My favorite genre is paranormal romance, but I also do love dystopian. I would have to say that what got me hooked on dystopian novels was The Hunger Games series, so that is probably my favorite. Love your blog, by the way!

Kristen @ suchateenagebookworm.blogspot.com

Unknown wrote: Fri Jun 17, 10:40:00 PM

Hopping in! I love dystopian, though it is tied with paranormal romance right now in my book!

Anonymous wrote: Fri Jun 17, 11:56:00 PM

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog(: I never thought I'd love dystopian books but YA dystopian just keeps getting better and better! I think I need to check out Brave New World asap :D

Felicia @ A Novel Paradise

barmybex wrote: Sun Jun 19, 10:10:00 AM

Lots of Dystopian fans!!!

I haven't read any of the ones you mentioned though. I feel my TBR pile growing again.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D

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