
in my mailbox (9)

This week I made up for not buying any books and as such I'm going to put myself on a book-buying ban until I purchase A Dance With Dragons in July. You know, unless a big library sale or the like pops up and then I give in completely.

Before I start, I want to thank Simon & Schuster Audio for their amazing contest via Twitter. I somehow won and will be the ridiculously lucky recipient of a year's worth of audio books. I have to tell you, if there's an audiobook of Blood Red Road floating in there I will fall out of my chair with happiness. I'm looking forward to see how it all rolls out!

For Review:
Cinder and Ella, Melissa Lemon

I think I did all sorts of a jig when I found this in the mail. Won as a giveaway from Kellie at ReaWrite and sent from Cedar Fort with a lovely letter. Thank you so much!

Starcrossed: Perigee, Tracey Lee Campbell

I won Starcrossed: Perigee from a giveaway via the lovely Wendy at A Cupcake and a Latte. For The Hairdresser of Harare I was contacted by the author for a review. Given the subject matter I immediately said yes; it's not a YA read, but it's an important read.

World War Z, Max Brooks
Forbidden, Tabitha Suzuma
Evermore, Alyson Noël
The Magicians, Lev Grossman

I've been meaning to read World War Z for ages now, and I borrowed it from a friend awhile back but had to return it before I could get too far. After finishing Enclave last night I'm ready for more. Forbidden is a book I also got through GalleyGrab but didn't have a chance to read it and so now I'm thrilled to have a finished copy on my shelf. I'll read this one soon. Evermore is something I blame Jennifer of little shelf for turning me on to. I didn't realise the series was so long, though, so I might wait a bit before diving into another one. The Magicians! I have it! I'm realllly looking forward to this one. I'm in the queue for The Magician King at NetGalley and I'm crossing my fingers that I'm able to get it!

Blood Promise, Richelle Mead
Spirit Bound, Richelle Mead

Oh, this series. I read it last weekend (this may seem immodest, but I'm a very fast reader which is not always a good thing...) and I loved it and I hated it all at once. Donna, I know we had a bit of a conversation about these books and that your daughter couldn't finish them due to all of the character frustration happening. And, let me tell you - I get it. Now that I've finished them, I really get it. But the last book does help. I wish there could be a companion novel to tie things up more neatly, though.

I'm looking forward to see what's in your mailbox this week!

16 comments on "in my mailbox (9)"

Anonymous wrote: Sun Jun 26, 03:48:00 PM

You have some seriously awesome reads this week! Hope you enjoy all of them and Starcrossed:Perigee =)

Jules wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:05:00 PM

Enjoy your books! You have a great selection this week and there is loads there that I would love to read too.

I'm an old follower.

Chey wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:17:00 PM

Great books! I've been wanting World War Z for a while now. Happy reading! :)

We Heart YA wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:25:00 PM

Forbidden is one we really want to read too!

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) wrote: Sun Jun 26, 04:35:00 PM

great books! What an awesome week!


Maia wrote: Sun Jun 26, 05:35:00 PM

I really wanna read forbidden! New Follower :) Don't forget to stop by my blog and say hi

Cait wrote: Sun Jun 26, 06:26:00 PM

Oooh Vampire Academy! One of my favourite series I think. There is a companion novel coming out, though? it's called Bloodlines and it's due out late August. I'm interested to see your thoughts on starcrossed perigee, I was asked to review it but wasn't really a fan.

I'm a new follower!

The Cait Files

Cait wrote: Sun Jun 26, 06:27:00 PM

also, congrats on winning a year's supply of audiobooks-that's frickin amazing!

JessiM wrote: Sun Jun 26, 07:54:00 PM

I LOVED Forbidden. It was beautiful. I plan on buying a finished copy as soon as I have a chance (read: money, lol).

Cinder & Ella was a really fun re-telling! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Alison Can Read wrote: Sun Jun 26, 08:31:00 PM

Great set! Cinder and Ella sounds really cute. I've been wanting to read The Magicians for a long time.

Wee Shubba wrote: Sun Jun 26, 08:41:00 PM

Wicked haul!!!

I also got forbidden (UK edition)

Here are my Mailboxes

Love Fantasy's Mailbox

Mad Hatter's Mailbox

Unknown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 09:46:00 PM

I love, love, love Vampire Academy! Definitely one of my favorite series out there! I hope you've enjoyed it so far :) Looking forward to reading what you think about the next two!

Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

Emily wrote: Sun Jun 26, 10:43:00 PM

Congrats on winning all the audiobooks! Also, WHERE did you get Forbidden? I thought it wouldn't be out until the 28th!

bookbitereviews wrote: Mon Jun 27, 12:24:00 AM

ooo i just bought the first book in the vampire academy, but what you said about it scares me lol. Ill read it anyway, we can start a frustrated group hahaha

Raimy from Readaraptor Hatchling wrote: Mon Jun 27, 01:56:00 PM

wow great books this week. I really want to read Cinder and Ella and also Forbidden! I hope you enjoy them!

My IMM: http://www.readaraptor.co.uk/2011/06/in-my-mailbox-13.html

Anonymous wrote: Mon Jun 27, 06:28:00 PM

All sound like great books.

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